David and Julie Sutton


The Sutton family has been in Guatemala since 1999. They have served in many types of ministry during the years they have lived there. With Julia being a RN, they have worked extensively with medical teams. They lived for one and a half years in a remote village operating a clinic outside their home for the poor. Since moving to Jalapa, Guatemala they have built a mission house for teams and have hosted all types of teams and continue to do this. David works with local pastors to bring unity to the body of Christ. David, along with some of the Senior Pastors of Jalapa, began a Christian cable TV station, Channel 40 Jalapa. David had a two-year school of ministry for six years, graduating three groups of students to go forward to be leaders in their churches or Pastors.

In the past, they had a safe house for abused women and children. Recently, the Sutton’s have founded a nursing home for the elderly.