Neely McLoed


As a sophomore in high school, Neely walked into a room at church, thinking she was showing up to a Bible study for teenagers. Turns out, it was actually a class called Perspectives- all about God’s heart for missions and the global Church. Despite the surprise, she decided to stay, and the next week roped her mom into coming along. The following few months, her eyes were opened to worlds outside of the one she’d always known and the incredible way God was moving among His people globally. Later that year, she went on her first mission trip to Guatemala- where a seed was planted and a fire was ignited in her heart. She couldn’t name it at the time but knew God was up to something and went back on short-term trips year after year.

 She graduated high school, knowing that Guatemala was still pulling her heart, but sensing the Lord calling her to pursue a college degree as well. She continued returning to Guatemala for short-term trips while in college, all the while listening and talking with the Lord about an opportunity for long-term service. In a way only the Lord could orchestrate, an opportunity was presented to teach at the learning center she’d been visiting for years.

 Neely began her time in Guatemala teaching English at a learning center in Los Verdes. While in Guatemala, she discovered a passion for using creative story-telling and communication to advocate for the children and communities she was serving. She now works alongside UNUM International, helping them use various platforms to share about what is happening on the ground in Guatemala. She also uses her passion for music to lead worship within her local church, at UNUM’s various ministry sites, and within a local youth group.