Bryan and Nicole Silver


Bryan and Nicole and their 4 children will be serving the international community of Rome, Italy. Bryan will serve as the associate pastor of Rome International Church (, with a focus on mental health support and spiritual growth and development for immigrants, refugees, and international workers and their families. Bryan will be the only known mental health expert bringing a faith integration to the city of Rome, and will be mentoring new counseling missionaries to multiply impact. In addition to being invested in serving church families, Nicole hopes to bring her experience in children’s ministry and creative communication to further impact the community.

While the city of Rome looks romantic to the tourist, there is a deep brokenness in the natives and families of Rome, and very little awareness of where to turn for hope. Less than 1% of Italy’s entire population attends church more than 3 times a year, and the typical Roman citizen believes reading the Bible and having a personal relationship with God is either unnecessary or foolishness. Bryan and Nicole are committed to helping the city find Healing and Hope.