

Josh lives in a country in E Asia that is resistant to the faith. Josh and his wife’s heart is to see the captives set free through different healing ministries. They also have roles with an organization in US called LIFE international whose mission is to make the Father’s heart for LIFE known throughout the world and to stand against violations of life such as abortion, abuse, exploiting the weak, etc. He is a prayer coordinator for the E Asia hub.

Josh’s wife was one of the founders of an organization that provides therapy and education for special needs children. Some parents have come to faith on account of this work. The team at the center is Christian. One healing ministry they are involved with is an abortion-wounded heart ministry for those that suffer because of abortion experiences. The country they live in may have the highest abortion rate worldwide, so this is significant. Josh spends one on one time with different guys. Some are believers and some are currently not. He encourages them with his own experiences and shares the good news at appropriate times. He continues to learn the language in order to connect better with those he meets