Adam and Breanne King


After 19 years of serving as missionaries in Japan, the King Family is now serving as missionaries under the umbrella of Kids International Ministries in the Philippines. 

Adam serves in the pivotal role of Athletic Director within sports ministry. His responsibilities encompass overseeing the sports programs at Cuatro Christian School, youth ministry, and coordinating sports events for both our Church Connect ministry and Family Ministry.

Breanne is serving as the Ministry Team Coordinator and Manager of the Ministry Center.  She is instrumental in hosting teams from over 20 countries who travel to the Philippines to serve in the ministry while residing in the guest house.

As a family, the Kings have also decided to foster several teen sibling groups from the children’s home to give them a second chance at life, to prepare them for adulthood, and to share God’s love with them through their family.

Through all avenues of ministry, the King's ultimate purpose is to share the gospel to give Filipinos eternal hope and to offer discipleship to enable them to go out into the world sharing God's love with others.